Why You Should Invest In Developer Data Platforms

Data platforms are still anticipated to grow exponentially in the foreseeable future. Research indicates that the autonomous data platform market will have a CAGR of 23% up until 2030. Big data platforms are expected by Business Research Insights to reach over 8 lakh crore Rupees (107 billion USD) in market size by 2028. Developer data platforms are projected to have a similar trajectory considering the non-stop global demand for programs and apps.
Investing in developer data platforms is advantageous as they let dev teams attain the best environment for productivity and efficiency. These sets of interconnected tools empower them to build better digital infrastructure, which ultimately helps businesses thrive. In another WebUpdatesDaily post, we talked about “composable IT infrastructure” that allows an enterprise data center to operate applications at cloud speed. This task requires seamless interoperability between hardware, software and API layers. It’s achievable because the programs that run these layers can be part of the same enterprise-level developer data platform.
That’s just the tip of the iceberg in terms of benefits brought by investing in developer data platforms. Read on to learn about other reasons why your business should consider the same strategy.
Modernising applications and adopting innovations
In the business sector, you have to keep up with the changing times to maximise your chances of success. This includes the modernisation of applications. If the platforms you’re using are outdated, it will be difficult to implement the latest best practices in the industry, be it for operations, finance, or any other facet of the business. Using the same old systems just won’t cut it. Business media portal CIO even went as far as to state that “legacy systems cannot keep up with the realities of today’s business environment.”
The report shared the insights of database engineer Frederic Favelin, who mentioned that it’s imperative to “refresh your portfolio of applications.” Doing so lets you adopt innovations that allow your business to flourish. Favelin is a regional leader at MongoDB, a database technology firm that handles the developer data platform MongoDB Atlas. He notes that a well-set-up developer data platform meets three critical needs:
- A secure and stable dev environment
- The ability to deploy applications on any infrastructure
- Improving data processing efficiency
Addressing the above results in what’s called a “unified developer experience.” Put simply, this means that your dev team can build and run applications as seamlessly as possible. This is a challenge for many businesses because data workloads tied to operations can be heavy, especially for large enterprises. This is why businesses that try MongoDB Atlas use a developer data platform that’s fully managed. Eliminating boilerplate processes lets devs focus on what they do best – maintaining high-performing programs that support tasks crucial for the business like transactions and customer interactions.
Staying ahead through proper data management and analytics
Another vital purpose of developer data platforms is to allow dev teams to manipulate complex data indexes effectively. Entrepreneur India highlights data platforms as a necessary tool for developers because it helps them combine past and present data for analysis, as well as collate information for machine learning models. The output may then be used for reports and visualisations that let stakeholders form actionable business insights.
Analytics is a big part of what we here at WUD call ‘data supply chain’. For a business to grow, compiling data is just one step of the way. You also need to interpret the information properly through analytics for it to bring value to your business. Do you want to gain ideas based on projected industry trends? Is a new sales strategy needed to boost revenue? Is it time for the business to scale up? Challenges like these rely on analytics for solutions.
Saving time and money through automation
Developer data platforms also let you save time and resources by automating processes like storage allocation and file conversion. You can have a dev team with a lower headcount, which translates to savings on manpower costs.
Productivity may also go up when the programs are performing together cohesively. Consider a task for your dev team to create an application for responding to customer concerns. Since they can access and operate the tools they need on a single platform, the project can be completed faster.
To sum it up, investing in developer data platforms strengthens the backbone of digital infrastructure – the applications that keep your business running. When these programs perform well, the business processes that rely on them follow suit.