What Is Flask (Python) And What Are It’s Main Advantages

Today we have a wide range of options to create web pages and many different language options (PHP, JAVA.). In this case, Flask allows us to develop web applications with the Python language very quickly. Flask is a “micro” framework written in Python and designed to simplify and make more accessible the creation of Web Applications under the MVC pattern. The word “micro” does not mean that it is a small project or helps us make small web pages. By installing Flask, we have the necessary tools to create a functional web application.
It is likely that at some point, you will need new functionality that you do not have first with the installation; for that, you will find a large set of extensions (plugins) that can be easily installed with Flask, and that will allow you to add all the functionalities you need. As for the MVC pattern, this is a way of working that allows differentiating and separating what the view (HTML page), the data model (the data that the App is going to have) is, and the controller (where the requests from the web app).
Frameworks in Python
There is the Python Wiki, where a list of all supported Frameworks is shown. Some of those on the list say “full-stack,” this means that when the Framework is installed for the first time, it already comes with all (or almost all) the necessary functionalities to create a complete web application, such as Django. For those who are not “full-stack” such as Flask, you will need to install extensions to achieve some functionality.
Main Advantages Of Using Flask
- Micro Framework: Perfect if you want to develop a basic App or create it quickly and agilely. For which applications, many extensions are not required, and with Flask, it is enough.
- It includes a development web server: Therefore, it does not require an infrastructure with a web server to test web apps. You can run a web server in a simple way with which you can observe the results that are obtained.
- It has a debugger and built-in support for unit tests: If there are any errors in the code being created, you can debug that error, and you can also see the values of the variables. In turn, there is the possibility of integrating unit tests.
- WSGI compatibility: To serve web pages created in Python, web servers with this protocol, the WSGI, can be used.
- It is compatible with Python3.
- Good route management: When you work with Web Apps made in Flask Python, you have the controller that receives all the requests made by the clients, and you have to determine which route the client is accessing to execute the relevant code.
- It natively supports the use of cookies.
- No ORMs: You don’t have ORMs, but you can easily use an extension.
- Sessions can be used.
- Very optimal for building static content applications or web services.
- Documentation, mailing list, and GitHub code.
- Open Source that is covered under a BSD license.
Flask Extensions
Here are the most used extensions or plugins with Flask:
- Flask-script: This plugin allows you to manage the application through commands.
- flask-WTF: This allows you to generate HTML forms with objects and classes.
- Flask-login: To authenticate the username and password.
- Flask-Bootstrap: They are style sheets for the content of the page.
- Flask-Sqlalchemy: It allows us to generate the data model.
Flask is a perfect option for building Web Apps with Python; it has a good learning curve and can be learned quickly. If you would like to master Flask, at Epitech, we have a degree in computer science in which we teach this and other programming languages. For more information, questions, or any other procedure, do not hesitate to contact us; we will be happy to assist you.
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