Tips To Motivate You In Your Job Search

The active search for employment is an activity that takes time and requires perseverance, similar to carrying out a professional job. Perhaps you believe sitting down daily to perfect applications and look for opportunities is tedious and hopeless. However, it is a process that goes far beyond sending emails and is a great challenge that will help you grow personally and professionally by putting yourself to the test. This period can be more or less long depending on the person and the context, but whatever yours, we share our keys to not losing motivation while you reach your goal.
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Perseverance, Your Best Quality
The search for opportunities is not a straight and flat path since it is more like a path of ups and downs where obstacles sometimes appear. Each application is unique and different from the rest, as is each job offer. It is normal that a job does not always fit perfectly with your professional profile or that after much searching, you receive several rejections, but you should not give up.
Perseverance is your best ally in this situation: few good things come easily and quickly, but they always come with time, patience and perseverance. The labour market is constantly changing and moving, so you mustn’t stop insisting and striving to get your talent to those who interest you. You must be aware that, just like you, many other people are looking for opportunities and continually competing.
Tips To Not Lose Motivation When Looking For A Job
You are looking for the opportunity you deserve, but it seems that it does not come. Do not be discouraged: there are a series of keys that will make this path more enjoyable and bring you closer to the moment you are waiting for so much. We share them with you!
Detecting The Best Moments To Apply In Each Sector.
If your efforts are not fruitful after a long time, you may notice burnout syndrome symptoms. This causes that if, at the beginning of the search, you presented candidates selectively. With attention to detail, little by little, this mental overload makes you start sending CVs massively and carelessly, which will not help you stand out from the rest in the process. of selection.
If you pay attention to your surroundings, the sectors that interest you and even the time of year you find yourself, you will see that all these factors are essential when applying for a position. Looking for a booming sector that needs a profile like yours or applying for that job in hospitality in high season are smart moves in this process. Researching, planning and having a strategic vision of the market and the service you can offer will save you a lot of time, energy and unnecessary rejections down the road.
Identify Your Gaps And Train To Improve Them.
You will often find job offers that include a series of requirements that you do not fully meet. It is normal: each company and job position has unique characteristics depending on its needs, and it is possible that your previous training did not cover every knowledge, skill or program in demand. Never stop learning. That is the philosophy of lifelong learning. It is always a good time to train, even more so when looking for opportunities, because continuing to learn will keep you active and increase your chances of finding a job.
It is important that, as you gain experience looking for a job and reviewing offers, you identify the requirements you do not meet and start training in their field so that you can add them to your resume. Start with the most general or easy to achieve (such as basic knowledge of Excel) and continue taking steps towards the more specific (2D animation in specific software). Little by little, your resume will take the shape you want, adapting to the needs of the labour market and fitting more and more with the offers you apply for.
Plan Your Time And Stay Active.
By actively looking for a job, you mark the times. If you carry out, for example, three activities a day (search for offers, optimize resumes according to them and continue training) and do not establish a schedule for each of them, it is most likely that the effort will be unproductive. You will not get the most out of it. Each activity. You must make an effort to set limits as if it were office hours. Establishing the times and places where you carry out each activity will help you perform better in each task and objective you set for yourself. Two possible scenarios would be:
If you are free in the mornings, it is a good time to apply to companies since they are more likely to read your emails at that time. Then you would have time to train yourself in new skills in the afternoons.
If the training takes place during the mornings, you can spend the afternoons looking for offers, optimizing your resume and scheduling emails with candidates to arrive first thing in the morning.
In any case, keep your energetic and persevering attitude. With good organization, there is always a way!
Do Not Underestimate Yourself And Be Optimistic.
We have mentioned the training gaps that we can find when a job offer requires certain skills that we do not have. This can cause insecurity and a feeling of not being worthy of the profession we are looking for, and the dreaded Impostor Syndrome appears.
It is normal for these feelings to surface when you do not find what you are looking for or receive rejections after much searching. This, however, does not mean that you are not a valid professional. The market is very competitive; each candidate is unique and has a combination of knowledge and skills that will be optimal for certain companies. You also have these qualities, but perhaps you need to develop them even more, or you have not been able to communicate them in the best way.
Knowing how to value oneself and what one does is the first step for others to see it, so work on it internally. Instead of comparing yourself to peers or friends who have gone further, do an exercise where you list all of your knowledge and skills and project what they might become in the future. Know your strengths and weaknesses and learn how to transform them into qualities that a company would want in its workforce.
Learn From Negative Responses.
Rejection is a natural part of the job search process, both during the submission of applications and in the final stages of the selection process. Assume without fear that this can happen is part of your growth.
Sometimes, companies do not even respond to your emails or messages, which happens more often. Many people are in the same situation as you and send their CVs to look for their opportunity, and this can generate in the company an inbox full of messages that end up being forgotten. For this reason, if a company takes time to respond to you, even to reject your resume, you must receive it with appreciation and understanding.
Please take it as an opportunity to learn and observe what you liked most and least about your application, ask why you have not passed the selection process without fear, and use all that information to continue perfecting your profile. Finally, don’t forget to thank the team for their time and attention. The world of work has many connections, and you never know if your paths will cross again!