The Inevitable Benefits Of Accelerated Digitization Of Education

The pandemic has acted as an accelerator of social changes that, although in many cases predictable, has managed to establish itself and naturalize itself surprisingly quickly. The most obvious of these is the digital transformation that we have experienced over the last year. Not only have we dedicated more time than ever to digital leisure or social networks to cope with confinement, but companies in our country have shown an incredible capacity to adapt, increasing the number of employees teleworking by up to 74.2% and compared to the previous year.
But if there is one area that has been fully involved in this transformation, it has been education. Practically all the educational centers in our country, from Infant to university education, have been forced to introduce digital solutions to the moment’s needs, such as telematic classes for distance students.
All this, even though the situation in our country in terms of digitization started from a rather precarious position. According to the 2018 report, only 51.5% of educational centers had online learning platforms. Only 33.1% of teachers claimed to have enough time to prepare their classes by integrating technological solutions.
It is increasingly necessary to improve the training in technical skills of students. New resources allow them to improve their educational experience and because digital skills are more necessary, both in the private sphere and in their future incorporation into the labor market. Addressing the digital divide is more necessary than ever.
Advantages of digitizing education A priori, the digital divide is not a problem faced by Spanish adolescents. In fact, according to a survey by the National Institute of Statistics (INE) carried out in 2020, 91.5% of young people between 10 and 15 years old had used a computer during the last three months, a figure that rose to 94, 5% in terms of internet use.
In 2006, the first year these questions were asked, the figures stood at 74.4% for computer users and 72.2% for those who used the Internet. However, the work of parents and educational centers involves transferring education to an online environment and taking advantage of the multiple possibilities offered by these new tools to enrich the educational process.
First, it encourages active and collaborative learning. Through interaction with different tools, programs, simulations, and models, students will develop more interactive and participatory learning, in which research becomes a fundamental part of their development, compared to traditional methodologies such as memory. On the other hand, it allows learning at a distance and in different contexts. Spatial barriers are being diluted while the possibilities of accessing sources of knowledge in other parts of the planet multiply and have greater flexibility of schedules.
Digitization has proven to facilitate the understanding of concepts through structured processes. Access to hyperlinks that expand the information, animated graphics, and diagrams facilitate student retention and multiply the number of resources. Through digital applications, students can have an educational plan tailored to their needs, which will ensure that no one is left behind in the achievement of objectives.
Also Read: The Digital Future How To Prepare For The Challenges Of Digitization