The Challenges Of Companies In The Field Of Digitization In 2022

The outbreak of the pandemic made digital transformation one of the great objectives of the national productive fabric. In fact, both SMEs and large multinationals have verified the benefits that the digitization of production processes, work organization and corporate culture brings to their business. As a result, many companies were able to continue operating relatively normally even in the harshest months of lockdown. In case it was not yet, the virus has made it clear that digitization is positive and cannot be postponed. But it has also highlighted the digital challenges that companies were facing then and that still remain unresolved in a way that meets the demand rates of the current economy.
2020, therefore, was for many businesses the year in which they got serious about digital transformation. They also had to do it urgently to ensure the survival of the company. 2021, on the other hand, can be described as the year of consolidation. In fact, the training of professionals, the transformation of the corporate culture, the technological integration in the work environment and the strengthening of digital channels have been common in the strategy of many companies.
Looking ahead to 2022, and although much progress has been made and accelerated, the reality is that there is still much to do in the era of digitization, which is also characterized by constant changes. In order for companies to continue moving forward this year, The Valley business school has prepared a list of the most important business challenges of 2022 in the field of digitization that, for your interest, we transfer to this post. Lack of technologically trained professionals to meet demand.
The technological professions are, without a doubt, the protagonists of a large part of the job offer that currently exists. Profiles such as Digital Product Manager, Product Designer, Data Scientist, Business Data Analyst or experts in digital business or Cloud systems. They are highly demanded by companies of all sectors and take up many of the offers on job portals. However, and despite the high demand for digital and technological professionals, there are currently not enough trained profiles, at a technical level, to assume these types of roles that guarantee employability. Therefore, one of the main digital challenges facing the business landscape in 2022 is to contribute to the training of professionals in everything related to digital skills and the use of digital tools.
The importance of soft skills in the age of machines. In an environment in which machines are assuming more and more new mechanical and repetitive tasks and processes, professionals stand out for their soft skills, or soft skills that differentiate them from machines and allow them to provide added value to companies. Thus, skills such as critical and analytical thinking, creativity to address new challenges, the ability to manage times and teams, emotional intelligence in the hybrid model, the strategic ability to lead projects or the predisposition to change, are just some of the skills that stand out the most in the current job environment, and that will allow professionals to be successful in this environment.
Beyond the digitization of processes, a corporate culture based on innovation. The digitization process goes far beyond integrating technologies in the day-to-day or the use of digital tools, being the redefinition and transformation of business culture, one of the fundamental pillars. The changes that have taken place in recent years have resulted in the need for a corporate culture based on innovation and in which flexibility, collaboration and well-being in the work environment are key to attract, retain and retain talent. Therefore, the challenge for companies is to adapt their models, processes and work methods to this new paradigm to promote a more innovative, efficient, productive and, above all, collaborative work environment.
Whose essence is to train employees and make them part of the change. Adaptation of services, products and channels to the demands of the digital customer. Now, The challenge is to adapt products and services to the rhythm of digital customer demand, strengthen online channels and align messages to the new post-pandemic lifestyle, in order to remain competitive and relevant in the new environment.
Strategic alliances framed in digital transformation. To approach the digitization process in the most appropriate way possible, the ideal is to have the advice and accompaniment of experts in digital transformation. These strategic alliances will facilitate the companies that are going through the transformation process, everything related to the training of their professionals and the transformation of their corporate culture, the implementation of innovative work methodologies and the optimization of internal processes, in addition to help them increase their brand awareness and adapt to the new environment.
Also Read: What Is The Relationship Between Digital Transformation And Organizational Culture