Intelligent social marketing or social marketing intelligence is responsible for processing the vast amount of data found on the internet and covering all kinds of knowledge. Both the data provided by users, such as their preferences, affiliations, and phobias. Like those that are deduced from the use of the network. For example, the most popular times or the most talked about topics. When we say process, we mean to extract that data, analyze it, and leave it ready for use in advertising campaigns or marketing actions.
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Mining and Social Marketing Intelligence
Data mining belongs to the field of statistics and is closely related to social marketing intelligence. They both work hand in hand. Data mining is dedicated to looking for patterns within large masses of data, and it does so using techniques such as statistics and also tools such as artificial intelligence. Social marketing intelligence applies these patterns to data extracted from social networks to analyze them and check trends, currents of opinion, etc. Finally, these data apply to the business in question at all times.
Due to the large amount of data that is handled, it could be deduced that social marketing intelligence uses data from the past to create strategies in the present, but not. The fact is that data mining tools have evolved so much that marketing and advertising experts, especially in the online field, learn in near real-time to read the data. In this sense, there are variations in campaigns that respond to variations in opinion or trend analyzed with little or no advance notice.
Where Does Social Marketing Intelligence Get the Data From
When we choose expressions in which the word “social” is used, we immediately think of social networks. This is logical. Social marketing intelligence extracts a good part of the data that it then uses from these social networks. Facebook is an excellent meter for likes and opinions. Twitter, for its part, takes the temperature of trends very well. Social marketers use both platforms to influence that data.
But the internet is much more than social networks (including Instagram, or Pinterest, among others). Forums and blogs are sources of vast amounts of data. Thus, discussions with many users are perfect niches to find specific data on certain topics. The blogs with lots of followers show the type of content that users prefer to read.
Social marketing intelligence extracts the data that it will then analyze from all these sources. And also from the news, from searches, etc. Of course, it does not do it randomly, but it has powerful tools.
Why are We Talking About This Type of Social Marketing
We want you to know how big companies work when designing their strategies bearing in mind that a system does not focus only on how to sell a product. Far from it, cutting edge companies study customer wishes first. Based on these wishes, they design their new producers. And they do all this from data they extract from social networks and the internet in general.
If you have read any of our previous articles, you will know that social Wi-Fi does precisely that. It analyzes the data of the clients of a particular place and gives the possibility to the management of that place to fulfill the wishes of those clients. Of course, always within its field of action. In short, social Wi-Fi is a small but powerful social marketing intelligence tool. The good part is that it is not necessary to have a lot of tools that include artificial intelligence. Here all the data mining resources are reduced to a Wi-Fi hotspot.
Social Marketing Intelligence and You
You may be thinking that you don’t need something so complex to run your business. And you may not need it to manage your company well, but you do need it to break the mold and position yourself as a benchmark for success in your sector. Also, we are not talking about a problematic resource to use. Our social Wi-Fi immediately selects the data you need. You have to tell him what your goal is. If you are looking for more followers on Facebook, you can configure it so that your customers have to like your page when they connect to the internet. This way, you will have them located, and you will be able to know more about them. Like, for example, what are their favorite dishes both in your restaurant and in that of the competition.