Protect Your Company Data In Times Of Telework

Telecommuting has become the daily life of many workers in our country, as the pandemic has led us to take social distancing measures to curb the virus. This remote work model has many advantages, such as better reconciliation of work and family life and reducing costs for companies in terms of infrastructure. But teleworking also has drawbacks, both for companies and the workers themselves. One of these problems for companies is the loss of business data, and it is this topic that we will talk to you about next.
The first point to bear in mind is that teleworking has promoted, in many cases, increased levels of stress and demotivation in workers. Often, work environments at home are not the most appropriate, and employees have to combine their work tasks with others, such as taking care of their children. For other workers, being “isolated” makes them feel “disconnected” from the company’s mission and goals. In these cases, it is usual that work processes and tasks are not carried out with the correct operation. This influences the company’s security protocols for the worse and causes errors that can cause the loss of business data.
This trend towards the loss of company data has been reflected in several studies. One of them is Egress Software, called Data Loss Prevention 2021, to prevent data loss. In it, 95% of the surveyed companies say that, over the last year, they have suffered data loss and 83% that they have suffered security breaches related to the use of email. The same study reveals that 42% of IT managers surveyed confirm that their data loss prevention tools ( DLP) were unable to detect half of the recorded data loss incidents.
After analyzing these figures, companies must become aware that avoiding the loss of data in their company is a fundamental factor to ensure the continuity of their business. For this, companies must ensure that they are working with the appropriate tools and in safe work environments. Keep reading if you are interested in knowing these tools!
Work with virtual desktops in a secure environment One of the security problems during teleworking is that employees work with their computers from privacy settings, which are not connected to the company. With the use of a virtual desktop, operating systems, for example, Windows, are accessed through the Internet, and all documents, applications, and programs are in the cloud. In this way, employees share a safe workspace, as a kind of ” virtual office, “from which they can carry out their tasks from any place and device with all the security guarantees.
Backups for business data Having a backup system in companies is essential so that their information and data are safe. Companies must have a Backup system that allows them to recover documentation and data if they experience losses. We can help you in this regard since we have iCloud Backup. This system works in an automated way and is easy to install, which guarantees the recovery of lost data thanks to a backup plan in the cloud and adapts to the security policies of each organization.
Many organizations think that Microsoft’s tools for this topic are sufficient to keep their data protected and are unaware that, as Microsoft itself warns, their backup copies are very limited. For this reason, from recommending the Backup 365 extension, which guarantees comprehensive protection of business data hosted in the Microsoft suite applications.
Protect the web environment of companies The web pages and applications of companies are the main sites of attacks on the cybersecurity of organizations. Therefore, it is essential to have a tool that protects the computer system. In this sense, the implementation of WAF ( Web Application Firewall ) is highly recommended, a tool specifically designed to protect applications and web services, which analyzes and understands the traffic managed by applications to protect them against computer attacks.
Although the pandemic seems to have slowed its course, teleworking is a practice that “has come to stay.” Therefore, companies must work in safe environments considering that human errors that occur while working remotely can cause serious problems related to data loss and cybersecurity in general. For this reason, we offer you the most effective solutions in business cybersecurity. We encourage you to contact us without obligation so that together we can analyze how we can turn your company into a safe organization aligned with the values of smart working.
Also Read: Businesses Increase Use Of Cloud Backup Solutions