Notes For A Strategic Management Of Human Resources

This article aims to reflect on the framework of action that should preside over the company’s strategic Management of human resources. From the necessary effective linking of the workforce to the leading role in knowledge management as a central factor of the business, passing through the importance of a clear and strong culture and the set of practices that senior Management must observe, as an example and encouragement for the rest of the controls and staff.
Strategic Management Of Human Resources
Within this framework, the action plan that has to bring together the personnel policy in the company globally must be integrated and aligned with the objectives established in the strategic plan and must be based on three fundamental aspects:
- Knowledge of the organization.
- Analysis and evaluation of the current situation.
- Foreseeable evolution of the company in the medium term.
Therefore, if we want to be competitive, it seems necessary to influence the task of mobilizing the attitudes of the personnel in the appropriate direction. In the example cited of financial institutions, their positive evolution today is driven by two fundamental factors: the quality of the risk and the costs of transformation, which requires having, together with the precise technical means, competent, motivated, and rationally distributed.
But a helpful link is not easily achieved since it is the result of mutual trust, by which the employees feel integrated into the project of “their entity,” assuming the plans and objectives set as their own, a belief that is the fruit of, in turn, the systematic application of a human resources policy that integrates, from a perceived structure, the functional needs, the systems to cover them and the adaptation of people through planned training and promotion based on their current and potential skills. And how they do their job.
The active and strategic contribution to the company’s results must represent: for directors and managers, the opportunity to feel like managers of their large or small business unit; and for the staff in general, the possibility of individual professional enrichment and self-realization, which has a direct impact on work morale by reducing the feeling of failure caused by not being able to deploy the skills that one possesses adequately.
But, to generate a level of excellence that allows us to obtain advantages over our competitors, we need to achieve, on the one hand, a greater connection with our customers, brought with a better service, a more personalized treatment, and a product offer that meets their needs, and on the other hand, having a staff with excellent and up-to-date technical training, which will undoubtedly constitute the best response to a very competitive market that expects more than just commercial aggressiveness from the company.
The key to all competitiveness is knowing how to take advantage of the talent and capacity for innovation in everyone who works.
Therefore, the staff must be interested in the business’s success, putting their creative and organizational skills at stake and trying to achieve the double objective of improving profitability and, at the same time, the satisfaction of the workers by developing their skills within a framework of increased trust and collaboration.
In this context, knowledge management plays an essential role as a central factor in the business since it can add value to it through its two channels of income and expenses. In income: improvement of the relationship with the client, responding effectively to their problems; and increased capacity to innovate new products and services and to respond to the competition. In expenses: reuse ideas or models to minimize duplication of efforts; and improve efficiency by capturing and sharing best practices.
Thus, today, in the knowledge economy, relationships between organizations and between people are temporary and often depend on the specific project they are carrying out; teams are made and broken according to to need, so rigid hierarchical structures no longer work, which have clear implications when it comes to promoting the creation and sharing of knowledge.
In implementing knowledge management as one of the basic strategies of organizations, Human Resources must play a significant role. With the involvement of the Management itself and the information systems through an adequate technological infrastructure, it must promote a culture that enhances the fluidity of knowledge in a favorable environment through communication and encourages its use by including it in the processes. Assessment and its link with other methods.
In this line, some leading organizations are addressing the task of defining the different professional profiles that work in them, simultaneously preparing the entity’s dictionary of knowledge, for which they are taking into account the strategy, the nature of the business, the experience of those responsible for each function and the opinion of experts in the sector together with the requirements of the regulators.
The objective is to define the knowledge that each of these profiles must possess. Finally, there is something that I want to highlight in this article. We are installed in the permanent change, in new ways of leading, in having designed a “map of knowledge.” Still, there is an issue that remains over time: the superior managers of an institution are even more obliged to observe a set of practices in their way of acting that serve as an example and encourage the rest of the managers and staff that make up the staff.
If we want to walk towards excellence, it is necessary that competence, rigor, and a job well done constitute the credential for the promotion and reward of the people who make up the company and, therefore, for access to the critical positions of responsibility of the more qualified, a policy with which we will find ourselves on a solid base from which to successfully face the challenges that arise, with rigorous observance of the code of conduct throughout the organization.
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