Information To Know About Microtopography

As the interlocutors should know, microtopography is in fact topography, but on a micrometric scale. The objective of microtopography is the study of surfaces and especially the accidents that are there such as cracks, cracks or engravings and so on. It is also the study of the roughness of surfaces such as questions of roughness, polishing and others.
The Microtopography Process
You should know that the process is in fact done in 4 stages. Interlocutors can learn more about micro-topography by doing research on the internet. It is thus questioned in the model of the diagnosis in the first place. Indeed, an aerial photo makes it possible to diagnose potential drainage problems by locating the wetter areas. These appear as darker shades in photos in general. The photo provides an overview that allows specialists to better judge the extent of the possible problems. To do this, they assess the area of wetlands.
However, it should be noted that this type of diagnosis is above all a simple tool. It also allows you to get an idea of the work to be done in each of the plots to be explored. The second stage is the validation of the microtopographic survey. Indeed, the diagnosis is not sufficient to allow us to understand all the drainage problems. The observations therefore need to be validated in the field. For modeling, it is done only once the data has been collected. The production or leveling plan is used to regularize the slopes of a field. It should be noted that the leveling plan is a planning method.
The Use Of Microtopography
At the present time, when it comes to the use of micro-topography, it is above all a matter of the archaeological field as a priority. It must be said that archaeologists show tenacity as well as remote sensing techniques to be able to characterize spatial anomalies. This kind of technology as well as technique generally provides really interesting information. Thus, priority is given to the microtopographic study of ancient reliefs. For more information, it is a question of modeling the terrain in three dimensions. In fact, microtopographic work largely consists of making measurements with centimeter precision using GPS. Subsequently it is necessary to develop graphic representations. It is a process considered to be really methodological. Why ? Because it allows for careful observation that allows us to understand the reliefs generally invisible to the naked eye.
Technologies Found In The Context Of Microtopography
You should know that many technologies make it possible to have contactless dimensional control. It is in particular a question of measurement by capacitive sensors, or even measurement by inductive sensors, or even measurement by ultrasonic sensors or even measurement by optical sensors. Small reminder, measurement by optical sensors is considered to be the one that offers the most possibilities. Capacitive sensors, after all, cannot capture the shape of objects or have edge effects. While inductive sensors can only work on metallic and magnetic objects. Interlocutors can learn a little more about the subject by going to the internet.
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