Marketing Will Evolve profoundly In The Coming Years

Machine learning technologies could see their place in the marketing strategy of brands gradually expanding in the future. The same is true for those relating to artificial intelligence and automation. This is one of the main lessons of the report “The future of marketing, seven trends that change the game”—a survey conducted by Pegasystems.
Pegasystems conducted a study last July on tomorrow’s marketing with 750 professionals in the sector. Specialists who take on different responsibilities (Martech, Data, data analysis, management, etc.).
The results of the survey have just been published. They reveal that all marketing activities (influencer, video, mobile, customer experience, etc.) will grow simultaneously. Hence, three out of ten respondents believe that their work will change considerably. In marketing divisions, employee profiles will also change a lot. Thus, 59% of the companies surveyed believe they need to recruit user experience experts in the future to retain their consumers.
Enterprises Place Immense Importance On Omnichannel.
Also, according to the study, 65% of organizations also say they will need data analysts to design tailor-made offers. Nearly three-quarters believe (73%) that they will be forced to hire content creators. This is to attract customers. So many exciting forecasts for the self-employed in these fields in search of a mission. Among the talents that will be essential over the next few years, respondents cited:
- Data analysis and management (24%)
- IT and digital (25%).
Additionally, Pegasystems has discovered that omnichannel strategies are a crucial focus for brands. His investigation teaches in parallel that artificial intelligence (AI) represents the technology best suited to them. For a good reason, it provides the possibility of organizing and carrying out various actions at the same time:
- Send a follow-up email to the customer or an SMS to assess his satisfaction after an acquisition
- Issue advertisements related to subsidiary products on its social networks
- Dialogue with the consumer about purchasing on the Internet.
The report also mentions the steady gain in power of Martech. An assortment of technological tools intended to provide customers with proposals aligned with their expectations and appropriate messages. Martech 2.0 should direct brand strategies in marketing towards more personalization. Remember that this term brings together digital inventions in total growth:
- Self-learning;
- Automation.
Personalization Proves Decisive In The Brand Strategy.
Three out of ten of the organizations surveyed already use these inventions. By 2025-2028, this proportion should reach 60%, as this would strengthen subscriber loyalty. They would therefore stimulate brand sales by improving their lifetime value (CLV). Key performance indicators (KPIs) reflect these challenges. Thus, the CLV is already qualified as an essential KPI by a quarter of companies. By 2025 or 2028, this share should soar to six out of ten. Until then, the loss of consumers, which is currently a determining factor for 30% of respondents, will also become so for 39%.
These changes reflect the critical role of customization and the instruments contributing to it. Companies will be forced to distinguish themselves increasingly in the face of the many emails and advertising messages sent daily to subscribers. They will therefore have to provide content capable of meeting their needs and which:
- Be submitted to the correct recipient at the right time
- Encourage action.
Data collection and analysis are essential for this purpose. After harvesting Data, brands need to be able to process it properly. This is to pass a message to their subscribers in an appropriate and personalized way. Experts says that this content could soon be associated with consumer perceptions created instantly by AI. The objective is to offer customers, in a harmonized way, products and information adapted to each phase of their buying process.