New Internal Communication Tools For Companies

The experience of a company’s employees and collaborators plays an increasingly important role in its success. Companies are now fully aware of the need to have employees who are invested, committed, and ready to work for a long time and recognize themselves in the establishment’s identity. To support this need and facilitate HR departments’ work, new internal communication tools have recently emerged.
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The Corporate Social Network
The corporate social network operates in continuity with the intranet and is used more collaboratively than the latter. Each employee can freely create his profile to exchange more easily with his colleagues. The social network makes it possible to improve internet communication in companies and to promote teamwork. When social networks are more and more important in our lives, employees’ idea of a professional social network is often well-received. This enables less formal exchanges and allows staff to unite around a tool that is both user-friendly and efficient.
The Internal Knowledge Base
The objective of the internal knowledge base is to centralize a team’s information in a single place. The data is structured, classified, and easy to consult with a few clicks. To access the internal knowledge base, each employee must register and then configure their shared workspace. The software is generally easy to learn and provides access to meeting notes, brainstorming reports, and company documentation. Information can be imported, exported, edited, and printed at any time. No more hand-written notebooks, lost emails, and post-its spread out on the desk.
The Suggestion Box
Many companies already offer it, but some are still resistant. However, the idea box can work real miracles to facilitate internal communication and improve the employee experience. This box, which can quickly appear on the intranet, collects staff’s opinions and suggestions while preserving their anonymity. It can help find solutions to recurring problems, better understand employee concerns, and show the team that their opinions matter, accepting good and bad feedback.
The Messaging Platform
In more and more companies, messaging has already replaced traditional email. It is today one of the most used digital internal communication tools in the professional world. Used both internally and in customer relations, the messaging platform accelerates exchanges between employees. The platform alerts the user to live when a new message arrives, and writing a response only takes a few seconds. Less formal and more efficient than email, messaging is one of the best internal communication tools.
The Internal Chatbot
The digitization of HR services is one of the flagship concerns of companies. Many solutions make it possible to improve the employee experience and speed up the various processes. Among these solutions, the internal chatbot is ideal for immediately responding to employees and supporting onboarding and internal training. The chatbot has the advantage of being available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, without human presence. However, it is reserved for recurring questions, particularly for new employees who do not yet know how it works. Therefore, the chatbot turns out to be a significant ally during the onboarding process since it will facilitate the arrival of new employees within the company. Its advantages are numerous: answers without value judgment, honest answers. The chatbot will act as a sort of virtual “godfather.” Without forgetting that the HR services can also use it for the distribution of punctual information.