How To Prepare Your Business Network For Microsoft Teams Telephony

Teams are one of the most important and used collaborative solutions today. Its use has exploded in recent times, and everything points to it being one of the essential resources for most companies and organizations.
In the next post, we will tell you how to prepare your business network to integrate the Microsoft Teams telephony service. Keep reading Microsoft Teams is a collaboration tool in the cloud that has all the resources to cover the needs of any business or company.
Among all its features, it also integrates a comfortable and versatile telephone service with a complete suite of collaborative tools (instant messages, videoconferences, or file sharing). It also has a Microsoft Azure cloud service. A whole set of benefits so that companies want to have it integrated into their day-to-day.
However, before implementing Team telephony and having the total security that it will respond effectively, a series of essentials are necessary within the business network capable of providing us with the necessary capacity and performance (reliable audio and high quality on every call).
Hence, we must know first-hand what these needs are. First, for a business to get the most out of Teams, its network must be configured appropriately. It is vital to assess the network requirements (both capacity and quality).
It is not the same to use Teams to chat and share documents, as it is also a solution that gives us a full performance business telephony service. Here things change. Top issues due to poor network implementation to push Microsoft Teams telephony service.
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Instability And Drops In Calls
In traditional on-premises PBX phone systems, audio quality is rarely an issue. However, using Teams assumes that calls are typically made from an IP phone, mobile device, or PC with a data connection to the corporate network. This means that the sound becomes small pieces of data that will not imply a large network capacity.
But must be fast and constant with optimal levels. If the network we have is not ideal and is insufficient to support the telephone connection, there is a risk that it may be affected by possible drops and be unstable. Thus, in addition to greater bandwidth, we must check the quality of the network itself.
Teams Routes Call From One Partner To Another
The priority in any business network is to transmit the Teams user data to the virtual PBX (in this case, in the Azure cloud) since this avoids possible data loss and reduces round-trip time. To go from the Teams user to the virtual PBX, calls often have to travel over the public Internet from the corporate network to the Microsoft Azure cloud.
How our company connects to the Internet can consequently affect the quality of the call. That is why implementing the Teams telephony option can lead to potential problems if the connection and the business network do not reach the minimum required performance.
So far, we have seen the possible risks and optimization problems that we can find in our company. In the next installment, we will analyze a series of recommendations so that our network is sufficiently optimal and reaches the performance expected with the implementation of telephony within a solution as powerful as Microsoft Teams.
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