How To Manage Remote Work Teams

New technologies, globalization, and current circumstances related to COVID-19 have driven new, more flexible work models. We can highlight remote work (telework) or other systems such as blended working, which combines remote work with face-to-face work in the office or physical space. Modalities that have come to stay, with all that this implies.
Are you a CEO, and are you considering establishing a flexible work model in your company, but you don’t know how to manage remote work teams? Then you are in the right place. Keep reading, below we give you a series of useful guidelines that you should keep in mind.
Keys To Managing Teams Remotely
- In work teams, communication must always flow, but even more so in remote work, since non-verbal communication is lost. Would you please communicate with your employees and keep them in continuous communication with their colleagues? Tools such as video conferencing, whiteboards, or chat rooms can help you maintain good communication most properly at all times.
- As in any job, colleagues must get to know each other and socialize beyond their work relationships. In these cases, the blended working system may be the best option since you will find a good balance between face-to-face work and teleworking. Organize at least one weekly meeting in which, in addition to sharing aspects of the projects being carried out, other topics are discussed with a more informal nature. This will help build a trusting relationship between the team members themselves, which will make their work more efficient.
- If you want to focus on work and that your employees do not get scattered when they perform tasks, set goals to meet and always assign completion deadlines. Thus, they will keep an eye on what they have to do and be more productive and effective.
- Use project management tools, as they will help your employees organize themselves effectively and allow you to manage what tasks each worker is doing, when, what time they use to do each one and their level of productivity. Thus, you will be able to fully optimize resources, identify team leaders, and synchronize with billing tools, which will save you unnecessary costs. Zoho Projects, TeamBox, or Basecamp are just some of the dozens of project management tools you can use in your day-to-day life.
- The fact of not having a boss physically and for a long time controlling the work can cause, on some occasions, employees to get lost and slow down. So, choose the person you hire well, thoroughly prepare for the selection process. This way, you will get a good filter to keep only the best ones.
Remote work or blended working can bring you several benefits, such as saving costs, having a better work-life balance, and the possibility of choosing the best professionals, wherever they are. In addition, if you opt for the blended option, you are in the right place, since thanks to our concept of flexible workspaces, you will be able to have a corporate headquarters for your company, totally personalized and adapted to that face-to-face online rotation.