Identify Audience Segments In Today’s Digital Age

In recent weeks, and especially during confinement, the time spent in front of the screens has grown exponentially.
This situation shows that, according to social circumstances, content consumption habits change. And although during the confinement that time has been spent between digital encounters, reading news, e-learning, or bingeing on TV series. Now that reality is turning towards other interests.
In fact, it is expected that after the end of the alarm state and thereafter, the daily screen hours will be reduced to 12-12.5. An analysis of tools reveals the importance of taking into account this new digital behavior so that brands are able to identify the strategic segments of users within an audience, as well as in the search for new ones, attending to the circumstances of rapid changes in consumption habits. To do this, it has used behavioral data from more than 1.4 billion users on the open web.
In order for brands to be able to find, impact and finally achieve conversions of consumers according to their new digital routines, it is recommended to carry out an analysis of the strategic audience segments taking into account the following four pillars:
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Search for new areas of interest
Analyzing what users are looking for and reading allows knowing their new areas of interest. And in this line, the free tools Trends is very useful to identify the best native advertising practices for different audiences and niches. According to which, during confinement, there was a logical increase in content related to information about the pandemic, but also in other categories such as technology, information technology, lifestyle, health and fitness, culture, and entertainment. And just as in those circumstances those were the interests of the users, now they will vary, but it is capital to know where the consumers are now and to use that valuable information as the springboard to design the digital strategy.
CTRs (Click Through Rate)
Advertising CTRSs help identify the areas where there is the greatest demand, and therefore, discover the interests of consumers. Currently, the trends observed in the consumption of organic content are translating into higher CTRs of sponsored content. In addition, the news categories that attract the most readers are related to the sectors that have the most advertising on the supports. These have been led in recent weeks by content and education products, as well as related to culture-leisure, health-fitness, and technology.
Once the sectors in which there is a greater demand by consumers are known, the challenge is to reach these new relevant audience segments by offering them new content in which they are interested. At the same time taking into account the factor that users behave differently on social networks and in supports, where they are more open to discovering something new, including new brands and products with which they had not thought to get involved before.
All these factors indicate the convenience of expanding the marketing strategy to target new audience segments that are emerging and not focus only on the usual ones.
A / B tests
This tool is very useful for reaching new audience segments with the information obtained from its use. And it is advisable to go to it in the sectors that have experienced growth in CTRs.
In Test A / B it is recommended to test the campaigns with new audience segments and include a bit of innovative thinking. Some will work and some will not. Once the new segments are detected, it is advisable to look for similar audiences, which also have high CTR conversion rates to broaden the scope after that turn of strategy.
The adaptation of creatives is a very important element because their proper design helps to generate greater engagement with brands. At this point, each sector of activity will have to define what best suits the target audience, according to the conversion objectives sought and the circumstances and content consumption habits of the audience.
So, for example, fitness brands can base their creativity on products or content relevant to people who telecommute. If it’s publishers or bookstores, your interests may be focused on spearheading a new wave of self-learning. Or if instead, they are sports brands, they may seek to provide interesting content to users or offer relevant promotions to consumers who buy their products.
The analysis concludes by pointing out that the key to success in the new marketing reality, permeated by the importance of circumstances, as well as the rapid and constant rapid changes in consumer content consumption habits, will be to closely monitor where it goes. to put the focus on the consumer soon and get there.