Blockchain Technology Application Every Crypto Investor Should Know

Blockchain technology is a big deal. It’s the magic behind bitcoin, ethereum, as well as other other cryptocurrencies including trading pairs like TRX USDT and XLM USDT and many more. It has the potential to transform many industries—from healthcare to real estate—in revolutionary ways.
And yet, there are still plenty of people who don’t really understand what it is. This article will explain what blockchain technology is, how it works, how it could be used in the future, and why it’s so important for today’s businesses to pay attention to it.
The more you understand about blockchain technology and its potential impact on your industry, the better prepared you will be for any opportunities that come your way.
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Where Can We Apply Blockchain Technology?
Real Estate
Real estate is a massive industry – in the U.S., the value of property owned totals $27 trillion. The problem is that there are many questionable practices in the real estate market, such as forgery, fraud and bribery.
Blockchain technology can help solve these issues by providing a secure and transparent way of tracking property ownership transfers. In other words, blockchain ensures that you can safely buy or sell your home without worrying about losing money due to any shady practices.
In theory, voting should be simple: you go to your polling place, you get your ballot, and you vote. In practice, however, there have been plenty of cases of fraud and tampering with votes.
For example, a hacker penetrating an electronic voting system could change votes. With blockchain technology, however, each vote is recorded on a public ledger that is distributed among all voting nodes—or computers—on the network.
Money Transfer
Blockchain technology is receiving a lot of hype due to its use in cryptocurrencies, but its true potential extends beyond the financial sector. Blockchain is a secure and transparent method of recording transactions and information, making it useful in so many different industries.
For example, blockchain technology could improve how money is transferred around the world. Currently, money transfers are slow and expensive for everyone involved—from the sender to the receiver, and even for banks who handle the transactions on their end—because every player in the system has to individually verify each transaction.
This slows down the process and makes it more expensive because banks have to charge more for these transactions than they would otherwise need to.
Financial Trading
The stock market has always been a game of “buyer beware,” even before high-frequency trading bots were manipulating price fluctuations in various companies based on insider information and market conditions.
Blockchain technology can change this by allowing people to trade stocks without middlemen interfering with the process. Blockchains allow for peer-to-peer stock trading without the need for brokers or any third parties at all
Blockchain technology can be used for online identity verification, which means no more ID theft or fraud when using credit cards online.
Data Storage
Blockchain technology makes data storage more easily accessible and secure. Storing vital information on the blockchain is much safer than storing it on a computer or hard drive, because blockchains are decentralized and distributed across many computers at once instead of being stored in one central location.
Supply Chain Management
One of the most exciting uses for blockchain technology is in supply chain management (and it’s not just limited to cryptocurrencies). Thanks to blockchain tech, tracking shipments is easier than ever before and people can feel confident that their packages were delivered safely and on time.
In many respects, the processes involved in insurance are very similar to financial activity. Both involve value transfer, and both rely on complex algorithms to track and verify information. Moreover, both industries use similar tools and techniques to validate transactions and transaction types, as well as utilize standardized formats for communicating between parties.
A few specific applications of blockchain technology in insurance have already been explored by companies such as Swiss Re (and its collaboration with IBM) and American International Group (AIG), among others.
Tracking Digital Currency Ownership
Blockchain can make tracking cryptocurrency easier. With blockchain technology, it’s possible to keep track of where your money is going—and ensure that you’re not being scammed or ripped off. There’s no need for a third party to be involved in this process; blockchain lets you see every transaction on your own.
With Bitcoin being the first commonly used implementation of blockchain technology, those who hold currency in their wallets actually own that currency on the blockchain ledger. The ownership is recorded through a private key which acts as a password to access one’s currency on the blockchain.
Secure Personal Information
Blockchain tech is still new and is replete with security vulnerabilities; however, with time and the development of more secure blockchain implementations, this could lead to a new way to store identity data in the same way that we currently use credit card numbers for online purchases.
This would effectively eliminate the need for usernames/passwords and could potentially make identity theft impossible. It may even be able to be used to store more sensitive information like social security numbers or even medical records.
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